Greatest Hits 1996-2003 (2008)

The album Greatest Hits 1996-2003 is released by Amr Diab in the year 2008 .

  1. Nour el Ain [The Mind's Eye]
  2. Awedony [They Got Me Used To]
  3. Al Malak al Barea [The Innocent Angel]
  4. Ana Mahma Kibirt Sugheir [No Matter How Old I Grow... I Am Young at Hea
  5. Amarain [Two Moons]
  6. Ana [I]
  7. Albey [My Heart]
  8. Eleos [O My Love]
  9. Alem Alla [God Knows]
  10. Tamally Maak [Always With You]
  11. Kalby Ekhtarak [My Heart Chose You]
  12. Wala ala Baloh [My Lover Does Not Care About Me]
  13. Aktar Wahed [I Am the One Who Loves You Most]
  14. Ba'ed el Layali [Time Is Passing Slowly]
  15. Allem Albi [Teach My Heart]
  16. Khallini Ganbak [Let Me Stay by Your Side]
  17. Ana' Ayesh [Living]
  18. Ayesh [DVD]
  19. Wala ala Balo [DVD]
  20. Tamally Maak [Always With You][Multimedia Track]
  21. Alem Allah [DVD][#]
  22. Amarein [DVD]
  23. Ana Mahma Kebert [DVD]
  24. Nour el Ain (Habibi) [DVD]
  25. Ana Ayesh [DVD]
  26. Wala ala Balo [DVD]
  27. Tamally Maak [DVD]
  28. Alem Allah [DVD]
  29. [Bonus Material] [*] [DVD]

Greatest Hits 1996-2003