Anja Garbarek


  1. Word is out
  2. The cabinet
  3. Blinking Blocks Of Light
  4. Just one of those days
  5. Born that way
  6. The telescope man says
  7. Still guarding space
  8. Balloon mood
  9. Yes
  10. Sleep
  11. The gown
  12. Her room
  13. This momentous day
  14. You know
  15. Picking up pieces
  16. That's all
  17. Dizzy with wonder
  18. It seems we talk
  19. I.C.U.
  20. And then
  21. Beyond my control
  22. Big mouth
  23. Can I keep him
  24. I Won't Hurt You
  25. My fellow riders
  26. She collects (stuff like that)
  27. Shock activities
  28. Something written
  29. Spin the context
  30. Stay tuned
  31. Strange noises
  32. The diver
  33. The last trick

Anja Garbarek