Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire released the following albums including Funeral (2004), Power Out (2005), Arcade Fire (2005) and Neon Bible (W/Book) (Dlx) (2007).


Sep 2004

  1. Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
  2. Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
  3. Une Annee Sans Lumiere
  4. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
  5. Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
  6. Crown Of Love
  7. Wake Up
  8. Haiti
  9. Rebellion (Lies)
  10. The Backseat

Power Out

May 2005

  1. Album Version
  2. August Session

Arcade Fire

Jul 2005

  1. Old Flame
  2. I'm Sleeping In A Submarine
  3. No Cars Go
  4. The Woodland National Anthem
  5. My Heart is an Apple
  6. Headlights Look Like Diamonds
  7. Vampire / Forest Fire

Neon Bible (W/Book) (Dlx)

Mar 2007

  1. Black Mirror
  2. Keep The Car Running
  3. Neon Bible
  4. Intervention
  5. Black Wave/Bad Vibrations
  6. Ocean Of Noise
  7. Well & The Lighthouse, The
  8. Antichrist Television Blues
  9. Windowsill
  10. My Boby Is A Cage


  1. Blinded By The Right
  2. Alligator Mine
  3. Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
  4. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
  5. Rebellion (Lies)
  6. In The Backseat
  7. Prologue
  8. Burning Bridges, Breaking Hearts
  9. Cold Wind
  10. Dear Slim
  11. The Well & The Lighthouse
  12. Don't Wait
  13. Gin Sippin'
  14. This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
  15. Martha Stewart
  16. Revolutionist
  17. Take Me Out
  18. The Greater Depression
  19. Vampire/Forest Fire
  20. Virgin Mary Highway
  21. When Lenin Was Little
  22. Broken Window
  23. What's Up Doc? (Can We Rock)
  24. Milk And Honey
  25. The Pledge Of Allegiance
  26. The Year Is
  27. William Pierce
  28. Neighborhood #5 (Hockey)
  29. Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
  30. Cars And Telephones
  31. M.I.A.
  32. My Body Is A Cage
  33. The Arcade Fire
  34. Unseen
  35. Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
  36. Born On A Train
  37. Move
  38. Surf City Eastern Block

Arcade Fire