Christ For President Lyrics
The song Christ For President is performed by Billy Bragg & Wilco in the album named Mermaid Avenue in the year 1998 .
Let's have Christ for President.
Let us have him for our King.
Cast your vote for the Carpenter
that you call the Nazarene.
The only way we can ever beat
these crooked politician men
Is to run the money changers out of the temple
And put the Carpenter in
O It's Jesus Christ our president
God above our king
With a job and a pension for young and old
We will make hallelujah ring
Every year we waste enough
to feed the ones who starve
We build our civilization up
and we shoot it down with wars
But with the Carpenter on the seat
away up in the capital town
The USA would be on the way prosperity bound!
Billy Bragg & Wilco - Mermaid Avenue
Jun 1998

- Walt Whitman's Niece
- California Stars
- Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key
- Birds And Ships
- Hoodoo Voodoo
- She Came Along To Me
- At My Window Sad And Lonely
- Ingrid Bergman
- Christ For President
- I Guess I Planted
- One By One
- Eisler On The Go
- Hesitating Beauty
- Another Man's Done Gone
- The Unwelcome Guest
Christ For President