Eva Contro Eva (2006)

The album Eva Contro Eva is released by Carmen Consoli in the year 2006 .

  1. Tutto Su Eva (Eve Against Eve)
  2. Maria Catena (Mary Chain)
  3. Dolce Attesa (The Sweet Awaiting)
  4. Sulle Rive di Morfeo (On Morpheus' Shores)
  5. Pendio Dell'abbandono (The Slope of Abandonment)
  6. Preghiera in Gola (A Prayer in the Throat)
  7. Piccolo Cesare (Little Caesar)
  8. Madre Terra (Mother Earth)
  9. Signor Tentenna (Mr See-Saw)
  10. Sorriso di Atlantide (Atlantis's Smile)

Eva Contro Eva CD Cover Photo

Eva Contro Eva