The End Lyrics
The song The End is performed by Dust for Life in the album named Dust For Life in the year 1998 .
See my heart I've traded in
Some new stranger dwells within
Crazy circles leading me back where I've been
So I start over again give until you give in
Pay the devil now to make amends
And I'll give all this back to you
In the end
Pull the stitch and heal the loss
Sell the soul and pay the cost
There are no words that can
Bring me back what I've lost
Now I know that words can kill
I have seen that words can kill
And I smile as I walk to the gallows
Wait while the hangman reads
Watch as my soul is escaping my body
I rise up as smoke through the trees
Rise up as smoke through the trees
Dust for Life - Dust For Life
Feb 1998
The End