
Fear released the following albums including The Record (2000)

The Record

Oct 2000

  1. Let's Have a War
  2. Beef Bologna
  3. Camarillo
  4. I Don't Care About You
  5. New York's Alright If You Like Saxophones
  6. Gimme Some Action
  7. Foreign Policy
  8. We Destroy the Family
  9. I Love Livin' in the City
  10. Disconnected
  11. We Gotta Get Out of This Place
  12. Fresh Flesh
  13. Getting the Brush
  14. No More Nothing
  15. Fuck Christmas [*]


  1. Bomb The Russians
  2. Drink Some Beer
  3. Have A Beer With Fear
  4. More Beer
  5. Responsibility
  6. We Got To Get Outta This Place
  7. Welcome To The Dust Ward
  8. The Mouth Don't Stop (The Trouble Today With Women Is)
  9. Waiting For The Meat
  10. Fuck Christmas [*]
  11. I Am A Doctor
  12. Beef Balogna
  13. Null Detector
  14. Hey
