Black Gold Blues Lyrics

The song Black Gold Blues is performed by Laura Veirs in the album named Year of Meteors in the year 2005 .

Black Gold Blues

Bird of prey
Gonna float away
To a feather cloud formation
I'm gonna dig
For pretty and strange
Gonna open me up
A black gold vein

Arrow on fire
Flash the night
Gonna fade away
To the trees and caves
Salt-salt lamp
Romance the spark
And you'll shine shine shine
Up up the wild deep dark

A sliver, a crack of light
Is all you need to see…

Ten black stars
At my windowpane
That's ten pretty stars
Circle in my veins
Old barbed wire
Gonna fight and sting
Just ten little stars
Gonna make me sing

A sliver, a crack of light
Is all you need to see…

Laura Veirs - Year of Meteors

Aug 2005

  1. Fire Snakes
  2. Galaxies
  3. Secret Someones
  4. Magnetized
  5. Parisian Dream
  6. Rialto
  7. Through The Glow
  8. Cool Water
  9. Spelunking
  10. Black Gold Blues
  11. Where Gravity Is Dead
  12. Lake Swimming
  13. Bonus Track 1

Black Gold Blues