Patrick Wolf

Patrick Wolf released the following albums including Lycanthropy (2004), Wind in the Wires (2005), Magic Position (2007) and The Magic Position (2007).


Apr 2004

  1. Prelude
  2. Wolf Song
  3. Bloodbeat
  4. To the Lighthouse
  5. Pigeon Song
  6. Dont Say No
  7. Childcatcher
  8. Demolition
  9. London
  10. Paris
  11. Peter Pan
  12. Boy Like Me
  13. Lycanthropy
  14. Epilogue

Wind in the Wires

Mar 2005

  1. Libertine
  2. Teignmouth
  3. Shadowsea
  4. Wind in the Wires
  5. Railway House
  6. Gypsy King
  7. Apparition
  8. Ghost Song
  9. This Weather
  10. Jacob's Ladder
  11. Tristan
  12. Eulogy
  13. Lands End

Magic Position

Mar 2007

  1. Overture
  2. Magic Position
  3. Accident & Emergency
  4. Bluebell
  5. Bluebells
  6. Magpie
  7. Kiss
  8. Augustine
  9. Secret Garden
  10. Get Lost
  11. Enchanted
  12. Stars
  13. Finale

The Magic Position

May 2007

  1. The Magic Position
  2. The Bluebell
  3. X
  4. The Stars


  1. The Shadowsea
  2. A Boy Like Me
  3. The Childcatcher
  4. The Libertine
  5. The Towans
  6. The Gypsy King
  7. The Railway House

Patrick Wolf