Perpetual Groove

Perpetual Groove released the following albums including Sweet Oblivious Antidote (2003), All This Everything (2004) and Livelovedie (2007).

Sweet Oblivious Antidote

Jan 2003

  1. Threeweeks
  2. Perihelion
  3. Sundog
  4. TSM 2
  5. Teakwoodbetz
  6. Astromonkey
  7. Robotwaltz
  8. Walkinginplace
  9. Playground
  10. Sweetobliviousantidote

All This Everything

Sep 2004

  1. Life
  2. All This Everything, Part 1
  3. All This Everything, Part 2
  4. 53 More Things To Do In Zero Gravity
  5. Andromeda
  6. Long Past Settled In
  7. Crockett & Tubs
  8. The Universe
  9. Stealy Man
  10. Left To Drifting
  11. Scooter
  12. Gone 'Round The Twist
  13. Occam's Blazer
  14. For Now Forget
  15. And Everything


Mar 2007

  1. Safe For One
  2. Two Shores
  3. To Shed Light or Cast Shadows
  4. Mayday
  5. It Starts Where It Ends
  6. Crapshoot
  7. Dust
  8. So Much As Goodbye
  9. Legends of Preston
  10. Speed Queen
  11. Only Always

Perpetual Groove