

  1. Behind The Wall
  2. Alone
  3. Besides
  4. Black Tie
  5. Caught
  6. Clear
  7. Dawn
  8. Disillusions
  9. DTA
  10. Fate
  11. Future
  12. Helping Hands
  13. In The Beginning
  14. Old Times
  15. Like You
  16. March To Death
  17. Newborn
  18. Out Of This World
  19. Prime
  20. S.h.o.u.t.
  21. Try Again
  22. The Comedians
  23. Thoughts
  24. Trip
  25. Unpointless Name
  26. Hallelujah
  27. In Sane
  28. Apathy
  29. Friendly Word
  30. How
  31. Drop Down
  32. Through
  33. Come
  34. So You Say
  35. For A While
  36. Around
  37. Noone
  38. Own Way
  39. Xxx(fan)tasy
  40. All Men Taste Hell
  41. The Last Child
  42. Win
