Fotos y Recuerdos (English Translation) Lyrics

The song Fotos y Recuerdos (English Translation) is performed by Selena .

Please remember! This translation is my personal work. It is sometimes difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound awkward in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. But I think you can get the general idea!
Pictures and memories...
I have a picture of you
that I kiss every night before going to bed
It抯 kind of torn and it抯 already starting to fade
For all the tears I抦 crying over it
It抯 all that I have left of your love
only pictures and memories
I have a memory of you
that always makes me so happy
of that party where I met you
and that shy kiss that I gave you
It抯 all that I have left of your love
only pictures and memories

Fotos y Recuerdos (English Translation)