Sponge released the following albums including Rotting Pinata (1994), Wax Ecstatic (1996) and The Man (2005).
Rotting Pinata
Aug 1994

Wax Ecstatic
Jul 1996

- My Purdy
- Got To Be A Bore
- Wax Ecstatic (To Sell Angelina)
- The Drag Queens Of Memphis
- I Am Anastasia
- Silence Is Their Drug
- Have You Seen Mary
- My Baby Said
- The Death Of A Drag Queen
- Velveteen
The Man
Oct 2005
- Man
- Higher, Pt. 1
- Fame and Glory
- Glue
- Back Against the Wall
- Unlucky
- Feels Like Love
- Higher, Pt. 2
- Shittier Day Than Me
- All the Drugs in the World
- Wax Ecstatic (To Sell Angelina)
- Polyanna
- Treat Me Wrong
- The Imaginary Marriage
- Through the Hard Times (Before the End)
- Suicide Away
- Sanitarium
- Candy Corn
- New Pop Sunday
- My Lackluster Love
- Mekron Bomb
- Imagine You
- Fame And Glory
- All This And Nothing
- All American World
- Lucky
- Radio Prayer Line
- 1,000 Times
- Severed Hearty Mums
- I Wanna Lose
- Live Here Without You
- Death Of A Drag Queen
- I Did It Withouth the Drugs
- Planet Girls
- Disconnected
- When You're on Fire Baby, Roll
- 28 Days
- Welcome Home
- Hard To Keep My Cool
- My Purity