Raleigh Soliloquy Pt. I Lyrics

The song Raleigh Soliloquy Pt. I is performed by Sublime .

We've got you in this f**kin' movie to exterminate all the lunitics all
once with a filetering system of God. We're the psyco-semantic police,
you can't even see us. How in the f**k can you do anything about it?
We're pure intellegence, your not. Your biological product of a
comological universe. Your molecular matter, I constructed you, f**k
I made you up, you didn't make me up, you got it backwards. You know
you are? Your f**kin' semantic blockage, that's what made you up.
a f**kin' programer named Christine Gontara. You f**ked up. She s*cked
my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She's gonna get her
chance to s*ck my cock again. If she turns me down, she's gonna go
striaght to hell, she won't pa*s go, she'll never f**kin' win. She's
cunt that thought she was God, but that's OK, I don't give a shit. As
long as she s*cks me off when I tell her. 'Cause she's my zombie. I
capured that mother f**ker, and she's my ca*sette. I want that cock
s*cker to send me at least fifty-thousand f**kin' dollars. If she can't
do it I'll try ten. If she can't do that, I'll try five, but that's it.
If you got a dowry of five thousand dollars, come out here and s*ck me
off, do what I tell you from now on, then you can join me for eternal

Raleigh Soliloquy Pt. I