Your Algebra Lyrics

The song Your Algebra is performed by The Shins in the album named Oh, Inverted World in the year 2001 .

You may notice certain things before you die.
Mail them to me should they cause
Your algebra to fail.

Cole and macey lost their eyes
On the finer points
Roll them up in coffee cake and dine.

The Shins - Oh, Inverted World

Jun 2001

  1. Caring Is Creepy
  2. One By One All Day
  3. Weird Divide
  4. Know Your Onion!
  5. Girl Inform Me
  6. New Slang
  7. The Celibate Life
  8. Girl On The Wing
  9. Your Algebra
  10. Pressed In A Book
  11. The Past And Pending

Your Algebra