Urban Dance Squad
- (some) Chitchat (5:07)
- Alienated
- Burnt Up Cigarette
- Candy Strip Experience
- Carbon Copy
- Damn The Quota
- Deeper Shade of Soul
- Ego
- Everyday Blitzkrieg
- Forgery
- Inside - Outsider
- Mugshot
- No Honestly
- Planet Ultra
- Stark Sharks And Backlashes
- Tabloid Say
- Temporarily Expendable
- Warzone 109
- Pass The Baton Right
- Metaphore Warfare
- Demagogue
- Selfsufficient Snake
- No Kid
- Good Grief
- Downer
- Totalled
- Grifter Swifter
- (credits)
- Nonstarter
- Hangout
- Dresscode
- Selfstyled
Urban Dance Squad