You Lyrics

The song You is performed by VAST in the album named Visual Audio Sensory Theater in the year 1998 .

your dress looks good on
you my love
and your house looks like
it's heaven
why are there
so many people outside of it
everything you have will be
you can't take anything with
you, except the love
the love i have for you
your eyes look like they're from
god and your face looks like
it's from god
why are you? going to be
outside eternity
everything we know will be
i know you want to

VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theater

Apr 1998

  1. Here
  2. Touched
  3. Dirty Hole
  4. Pretty When You Cry
  5. I'm Dying
  6. Flames
  7. Temptation
  8. Three Doors
  9. The Niles Edge
  10. Somewhere Else To Be
  11. Untitled Track #11
  12. You
