
Voltaire released the following albums including Devil's Bris (1998), Almost Human (2000), Boo Hoo (2002), Then and Again (2004) and Zombie Prostitute (2006).

Devil's Bris

Jun 1998

  1. Ex Lover's Lover
  2. Anniversary
  3. Parade
  4. The Man Upstairs
  5. They Know Me
  6. Oweee
  7. Snakes
  8. Ravens Land
  9. The Chosen
  10. All The Way Down
  11. When You're Evil
  12. Shalom

Almost Human

Aug 2000

  1. Out Of Reach
  2. Dunce
  3. Feathery Wings
  4. Almost Human
  5. God Thinks
  6. Anastasia
  7. Dead Girls
  8. Underground
  9. Ringo No Uta
  10. The Headless Waltz
  11. Alchemy Mondays
  12. The Last Word
  13. The Night
  14. El Barquito (Sin Mosquito) De Nuez

Boo Hoo

May 2002

  1. Future Ex Girlfriend
  2. I'm Sorry
  3. #1 Fan
  4. Where's The Girl?
  5. See You In Hell
  6. Bachelor (ette)
  7. Hello Cruel World
  8. Irresponsible
  9. The Vampire Club
  10. BRAINS! (from the Cartoon Network's GRIM AND EVIL)
  11. Graveyard Picnic
  12. …About A Girl
  13. Let It Go
  14. Caught A Light Sneeze

Then and Again

Oct 2004

  1. Crusade
  2. Lovesong
  3. The Happy Song
  4. Wall Of Pride
  5. Welcome To The World
  6. Believe
  7. Hallo Elskan Min
  8. Born Bad
  9. Goodnight Dragonslayer

Zombie Prostitute

Oct 2006

  1. Zombie Prostitute
  2. Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead-Spanish Version)
  3. China Girl
  4. Cantina (demo)
  5. Hell In A Hand Basket (Live Version)


  1. Bachelor(ette)
  2. Screw The Okampa (I Want To Go Home)
  3. Caught a Lite Sneeze
  4. The USS Make Shit Up
  5. Worf's Revenge
  6. X Lover's Lover
  7. ...About a Girl
  8. Goodnight, Demon Slayer
  9. X-mess Detritus
  10. Vagina Song
  11. El Barquito De Nuez
  12. The Sexy Data Tango
  13. Vampire Club
