Wolf Parade
Wolf Parade released the following albums including Wolf Parade (2005), Apologies to the Queen Mary (2005) and At Mount Zoomer (2008).
Wolf Parade
Jul 2005
- Shine a Light
- You Are a Runner And I Am My Father's Son
- Disco Sheets
- Lousy Pictures
Apologies to the Queen Mary
Sep 2005
- Modern World
- Grounds For Divorce
- We Built Another World
- Fancy Claps
- Same Ghost Every Night
- Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
- I'll Believe in Anything
- It's a Cure
- Dinner Bells
- This Heart's on Fire
At Mount Zoomer
Jun 2008
- Soldier's Grin
- Call It a Ritual
- Language City
- Bang Your Drum
- California Dreamer
- The Grey Estates
- Fine Young Cannibals
- An Animal In Your Care
- Kissing the Beehive
Wolf Parade