1. LyricsPond
  2. Animal Collective

Animal Collective

  1. Native Belle
  2. Hey Light
  3. Infant Dressing Table
  4. Panic
  5. Two Sails on a Sound
  6. Slippi
  7. Too Soon
Sung Tongs
Jun 2004
  1. Leaf House
  2. Who Could Wind Rabbit
  3. The Softest Voice
  4. Winters Love
  5. Kids On Holiday
  6. Sweet Road
  7. Visiting Friends
  8. College
  9. We Tigers
  10. Mouth Wooed Her
  11. Good Lovin Outside
  12. Whaddit Done
Oct 2006
  1. People
  2. Tikwid
  3. My Favorite Color
Oct 2006
  1. I See You Pan
  2. Pride and Fight
  3. Forest Gospel
  4. There's an Arrow
  5. Lablacely Dress
  6. Tell It to the Mountain
  7. Pumpkin Gets a Snakebite
Strawberry Jam
Sep 2007
  1. Peacebone
  2. Unsolved Mysteries
  3. Chores
  4. For Reverend Green
  5. Fireworks
  6. #1
  7. Winter Wonder Land
  8. Cuckoo
  9. Derek
Water Curses
May 2008
  1. Water Curses
  2. Street Flash
  3. Cobwebs
  4. Seal Eyeing