
CocoRosie is a musical group formed in 2003 by sisters Bianca "Coco" and Sierra "Rosie" Casady. Their eclectic music has been called "freak folk", and incorporates elements of pop, blues, opera, electronica, and hip hop. As of 2009, they have released three full-length albums.

CocoRosie released the following albums including La Maison de Mon Rêve (2004), Noah's Ark (2005), The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn (2007) and Grey Oceans (2010).

La Maison de Mon Rêve

Mar 2004

  1. Terrible Angels
  2. By Your Side
  3. Jesus Love's Me
  4. Good Friday
  5. Not For Sale
  6. Tahiti Rain Song
  7. Candy Land
  8. Butterscotch
  9. West Side
  10. Madonna
  11. Hatian Love Songs
  12. Lyla

Noah's Ark

Sep 2005

  1. K-Hole
  2. Beautiful Boyz
  3. South 2nd
  4. Bear Hides And Buffalo
  5. Tekno Love Song
  6. The Sea Is Calm
  7. Noah's Ark
  8. Milk
  9. Armageddon
  10. Brazilian Sun
  11. Bisounours
  12. Honey Or Tar

The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn

Apr 2007

  1. Rainbowarriors
  2. Promise
  3. Bloody Twins
  4. Japan
  5. Sunshine
  6. Black Poppies
  7. Werewolf
  8. Animals
  9. Houses
  10. Raphael
  11. Girl And The Geese
  12. Miracle

Grey Oceans

May 2010

  1. Trinity's Crying
  2. Smokey Taboo
  3. Hopscotch
  4. Undertaker
  5. Grey Oceans
  6. R.I.P. Burn Face
  7. The Moon Asked The Crow
  8. Lemonade
  9. Gallows
  10. Fairy Paradise
  11. Here I Come


  1. Haitian Love Song
