The song Nothing Is Enough is performed by 76% Uncertain .
Sometimes is seems we're walking backwards
To the shaky ground on which we met
Back to talking about the weather
When you already know my climate
When your greatest a*sets become your biggest liabilities
Nothing is enough, when everything is too much
Pa*sion proved hundreds of times by now
Still we're back to square one
From mountains back to molehills
From pearls back to grains of sand
How can you paint yourself as the tolerant one
When you can't even accept the way we are
How can you expect me to like you all the time
When sometimes I can't even stand myself
It's not hard to hear you, but I have to grit my teeth to listen
From closer than a whisper to further than a scream
In less time than it takes to forget a stranger's name
Love it or leave it, take it or leave it
To know it is to love it, didn't I used to know you
Talk is cheap so we spray words in the air
I shoot from the hip, but my aim is only fair