The album Songs of the Spirit: The Debbie Friedman Anthology is released by Debbie Friedman in the year 2005 .
- L'Cha Dodi
- Sh'ma
- V'Ahavta
- Sing Unto G-d
- Not by Might, Not By Power
- Im Tirtzu
- Laugh At All My Dreams
- L'Dor Vador
- Arise My Love
- V'Sham'Ru
- Ahavat Olam
- Ani-Ma-Amin
- Shir Hama-A lot
- Kumi Lach
- Oseh Shalom
- And The Youth Shall See Visions
- Hodu
- Mi Chamocha
- Miriam's Song
- L'Chi Lach
- V' Sham Ru
- Mi' Shebeirach
- T' Filat Hederech
- The World of your Dreams
- Birchot Havdallah
- Modim
- The Angels' Blessing
- Al Tastier (Don't Hide your face)
- 23rd Psalm
- You are the One
- Asher Yatzar
- Plant a Tree for Tu B'Shevat
- The 613 Commandments
- Hal'luyah
- Kadish D'Rabanan
- Build This World Together
- It's You
- Save A Life
- Seasons Of The Moon
- Alef Bet Song
- The Water In The Well
- Devorah's Song
- The Latke Song
- The Dreidel Song
- Light These Lights

Songs of the Spirit: The Debbie Friedman Anthology CD Cover Photo