The album Whiskey on a Sunday is released by Flogging Molly in the year 2006 .
- Drunken Lullabies [DVD]
- Devil's Dance Floor [DVD]
- Laura [DVD]
- Tobacco Island [DVD]
- Likes of You Again [DVD]
- Swagger [DVD]
- Another Bag of Bricks [DVD]
- Wanderlust [DVD]
- Within a Mile of Home [DVD]
- Worst Day Since Yesterday [DVD]
- Queen Anne's Revenge [DVD]
- Black Friday Rule [DVD]
- If I Ever Leave This World Alive [DVD]
- What's Left of the Flag [DVD]
- Life in a Tenement Square [DVD]
- Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) [DVD]
- Whistles the Wind [DVD]
- With a Wonder and a Wild Desire [DVD]
- Factory Girls [DVD]
- Selfish Man [DVD]
- Tomorrow Comes a Day Too Soon [DVD]
- Don't Let Me Die Still Wondering [DVD]
- Laura
- Drunken Lullabies [Acoustic]
- Wanderlust [Acoustic]
- Another Bag of Bricks [Acoustic]
- Tomorrow Comes a Day Too Soon [Acoustic]
- Likes of You Again [Live]
- Swagger [Live]
- Black Friday Rule [Live]
- Within a Mile of Home [Live]
- What's Left of the Flag [Live]

Whiskey on a Sunday CD Cover Photo