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  2. Lemonade

Lemonade (2006)

The album Lemonade is released by G. Love in the year 2006 .

  1. Ride
  2. Ain't That Right
  3. Hot Cookin'
  4. Can't Go Back to Jersey
  5. Missing My Baby
  6. Holla!
  7. Banger - Blackalicious, G. Love, Lateef the Truth Speaker
  8. Thanks and Praise - G. Love,
  9. Let the Music Play - Marc Broussard, G. Love,
  10. Free
  11. Beautiful - G. Love, Tristan Prettyman
  12. Rainbow - G. Love, Jack Johnson
  13. Breakin' Up
  14. Still Hanging' Around/Sneakster
  15. Love

Lemonade CD Cover Photo