The song Bottled Violence is performed by Minor Threat in the album named Complete Discography in the year 1990 .
Get your bravery from a six pack. Get your bravery from a half-pint. Drink
your whiskey, drink your grain. Bottoms uo and you don't feel pain.
Go out and fight, fight. Bottled Violence.
Lose control of your body. Beat the shit out of somebody. Half-shut eyes
don't see who you hit. But you don't take any shit.
Minor Threat - Complete Discography
Complete Discography
Feb 1990
- Betray
- Bottled Violence
- Filler
- Good Guys (don't Wear White)
- Guilty Of Being White
- I Don't Wanna Hear It
- In My Eyes
- It Follows
- Little Friend
- Look Back And Laugh
- Minor Threat
- No Reason
- Out Of Step (with The World)
- Salad Days
- Screaming At A Wall
- Seeing Red
- Sob Story
- Stand Up
- Straight Edge
- Think Again