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  2. Harvest

Harvest (2007)

The album Harvest is released by Naglfar in the year 2007 .

  1. Into the Black
  2. Breathe Through Me
  3. Mirrors of My Soul
  4. Odium Generis Humani
  5. Darkest Road
  6. Way of the Rope
  7. Plutonium Reveries
  8. Feeding Moloch
  9. Harvest
  10. Spoken Words of Vemon [DVD][Live]
  11. Perpetual Horros [DVD][Live]
  12. Carnal Scorn & Spiritual Malice [DVD][Live]
  13. Swarm of Plagues [DVD][Live]
  14. Perpetual Horrors [DVD]
  15. Interview with Kristoffer Olivius [DVD]

Harvest CD Cover Photo