1. LyricsPond
  2. Spirit


  1. I Got A Line On You
  2. It Shall Be
  3. Poor Richard
  4. Silky Sam
  5. Drunkard
  6. Darlin' If
  7. It's All The Same
  8. Jewish
  9. Dream Within A Dream
  10. She Smiles
  11. Aren't You Glad
  12. Fog
  13. So Little To Say
  14. Mellow Fellow
  15. Now Or Anywhere
  16. Space Chile
Oct 1996
  1. Fresh-Garbage
  2. Uncle Jack
  3. Mechanical World
  4. Taurus
  5. Girl In Your Eye
  6. Straight Arrow
  7. Topanga Windows
  8. Gramophone Man
  9. Water Woman
  10. The Great Canyon Fire In General
  11. Elijah
  12. Veruska
  13. Free Spirit
  14. If I Had A Woman
Oct 1996
  1. Dark Eyed Woman
  2. Apple Orchard
  3. So Little Time To Fly
  4. Ground Hog
  5. Cold Wind
  6. Policeman's Ball
  7. Ice
  8. Give A Life, Take A Life
  9. I'm Truckin'
  10. Clear
  11. Caught
  12. New Dope In Town
  13. 1984
  14. Sweet Stella Baby
  15. Fuller Brush Man
  16. Coral
  1. Fresh Garbage
  2. Nothin' To Hide