Vendetta Red released the following albums including Between The Never And The Now (2003)
- In Mourning For The Stillborn
- Rapture In Vertigo
- A Dark Heart Silhouette
- Banshee Ballet
- Cardboard Vs. Fire
- Cinders
- Coital Improv
- Long Goodbye
- Lucid, Languid
- Ribcage Menagerie
- The Body And The Blood
- Three Chord Valentine
- Vendetta Red Cried Rape On Their Date With Destiny
- Run
- Something Visceral
- Forgetiquette
- All Cried Out
- Hangman (My Anthema)
- Mended Every Feather
- Gloria
- The White Nightmare
- The Bruise Vaccine
- Tomorrow Everything Dies
- Shiver
- A Joyless Euphoria
- Great Castration
- Silhouette Serenade
- Maud 'Dib
- Shoot Up With God
- In Lieu Of Dead Brides...Claustrofuckingphobic
- Depressionesque
- In Lieu Of Dead Brides...